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Inicio > Tienda online > LIBROS > H.P. Lovecraft Manual Zoomórfico

H.P. Lovecraft Manual Zoomórfico

Ref: 0035

Precio:  30.00 €


  • Entre marañas de seres extraños, amorfos, terroríficos y agobiantes, aterradores y opresivos, deidades antiguas que han forjado nuestra historia desde tiempos inmemoriales; entre luces y sombras, color y oscuridad, tiempos reales y lapsus del mismo en una realidad vivida, Luis Camacho nos sumerge en las profundidades de la psique, de los sentimientos y de la vida inapelablemente existencial y angustiosa de Lovecraft. Nos conduce a un universo lovecraftiano donde figuras destacadas del cine y la literatura han explorado como fuente de inspiración.Este precioso bestiario te atrapará y conseguirás llegar a sentir la música hipnótica de los flautistas amorfos, sumergirte en las tierras del sueño de los Inutos o atemorizarte con criaturas insondables y dimensiones retorcidas que se entrelazan en la oscuridad del cosmos.

    Con su relatos, el autor, y como no, respaldado por la maestría de los dibujos de Luis, podrás conseguir plantearte en qué parte de ese mundo lovecraftiano resides, te adentras o quieres escapar.

    Antonia González.

    Autor: Luis Camacho Campoy.
    Portada e ilustraciones: Luis Camacho Campoy.
    Cartoné (tapa dura).
    262 paginas. 22,5 x 29,5 cm.
    ISBN: 9788412780444
    Deposito Legal: MA 1627-2024


Valoración media

¡Hola Anónimo, danos tu opinión!

Tu valoración:

Anónimo | Compra no verificada 29-08-2024

Lo adquirí en el Crowdfounding que hicieron y no me arrepiento de nada. De hecho, pienso comprar otro para regalarle a mi padre. Tapa dura, ilustraciones detalladas, texto bien legible... una maravilla de libro.

Anónimo | Compra no verificada 26-01-2025


Anónimo | Compra no verificada 25-01-2025

Horrible company

Anónimo | Compra no verificada 21-01-2025

Like, the others, I'm also a disappointed backer of the Kickstarter. I guess we're all posting here now, since they are ignoring us on Kickstarter, and not returning any emails. This is our only resort. I feel bad for the artist and author, that his work is getting all this negative ratings because this book company is terrible at handling it's business and customers. Do not spend money or trust this company until they have proven themselves to the backers that helped get this book made and they've sent out the books that are finished.

Anónimo | Compra no verificada 21-01-2025

And they do not not respond to customer service enquires from this site either.

Anónimo | Compra no verificada 20-01-2025

Backed the Kickstarter for this and the creator has been terrible at communicating. The book is clearly complete, assuming this site isn’t a lie too. We’re to the point where even if the backers eventually receive the books, I’ll never trust this creator again. No matter how difficult project fulfillment is, the creator needs to communicate with the backers. It would be better to admit issues than to go silent and ignore everyone. I highly recommend you don’t buy from this site or consider backing any of their future projects. They’ve proven they can’t be trusted.

Anónimo | Compra no verificada 19-08-2024

Sería excelente si tienen alguna alternativas de compra para los extranjeros como yo. Buscalibre seria una buena opcion.

Anónimo | Compra no verificada 18-08-2024

Anónimo | Compra no verificada 15-01-2025

Like many others I backed the book on Kickstarter and I am still waiting for it to be shipped. So far it has been more than a month since the last update on the Kickstarter platform and all of the backers are starting to wonder if they may have been forgotten about... Seeing the books available here for everyone to purchase while a great majority of the people who helped make this project come to life are still waiting for updates about the shipping of their books is wild and a bit disappointing at the same time. How is it possible to make the books available in an online store when your backers are still waiting for your updates about shipping their commands ???

Anónimo | Compra no verificada 07-01-2025

Don't know how it is yet. Still waiting for the kickstarter of this book to ship edition, yet here they are available for any one to purchase. And still most of us backers are waiting for them to send us ours. Really bad form, and bad way of doing business in regards to your backers, who are the reason this book was even possible to exist. I don't know how you can run an online store if you can't even get the books you have in stock, to the people that have already paid for them. Shame

Anónimo | Compra no verificada 02-07-2024

Tiene muy buena pinta, pero me gustarían más datos, como nº de páginas, tipo de edición (rústica o cartone)...

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